Verily all praise is unto Allah, we praise Him, we seek His help and we ask His forgiveness, and we seek Allah's refuge from the evils of ourselves and the evils of our sins, whoever Allah guides then none can misguide and who ever Allah misguides then none can guide. And I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, He has no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His messenger and servant,
The crusaders invaded the land of the two rivers and they have been spilled by the blood of our brothers and sisters in Iraq.The holy land has been impured by their feet. Have you not seen what they did to our sisters and brothers in Falluja? Have you not seen what they did to our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan?
The only reason is that they say ' Laailaaha Illallah'. The crusaders claimed Iraq posessed weapons of mass destruction, then why didn't Iraqis use them during the invation? The crusaders claimed Al-Qaida attacked wtc and pentogon on 11th Semptember 2001. None of their claims has been proven. They shared the 'proof' only with Tony Blair and Musharraf. why? The American Crusaders invaded Afghanistan and Iraq against the international guide lines.
And now they murdured the former president Saddaam Hussein on the day of Eid-alha. This is a clear insult to the ummah. They are to combine the happiness of the death of Saddam Hussein and 25th December.
But they do not know that even if the whole world is on their side, Allah will glorify the religion of Islam.
O Ummah of Islam, we have been slain by the knife of nationality and then we were divided by the shredder of patriotism to a country and then we were called back to be divided on the basis of tribalism. These we all the calls of ignorance.
Allah (swt) says:
{“Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject faith fight in the cause of evil (Tagut): so fight ye against the friends, of Satan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan.”} Surah 4: 76
O the Ummah of Islam, my beloved Ummah, the defiant one is becoming weary and
has started searching for an escape and striving for talks with every possible
sides and parties. It has through its agents the Family of Sulul (the house of
Saud), the tyrants of the peninsula has sent word to us that they (America) have
met with each party except us and that they are seeking talks with us.By Brother Abu Omar Al-Baghdadi
I respect your comments. What is more nonsense/junk/spam than lies that you post on your blog? What is wrong with you? If you are an atheist then you simply deny science. If youre a christian youre are relying on a bunch of lies that changes like a software application. Anyway thanks for visiting my blog.
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